bot can you write a Friendly Letter about pretend to be a soldier stationed at a frontier fort in Kansas. You are going to write a letter home describing life at the fort and what you have spent your last three months of pay on. Keep in mind that what happened to the Native Americans during this time period was horrific. In your letter, you can educate the person you are writing to about the sad and unjust treatment of the Native Americans. Heading: Indent your heading to the left side of the paper. Write your return address and the date in the heading.

Greetings can be formal, such as Dear Jane, or informal, such as Hi Mary, but should always followed by a comma The body of your letter contains the main text. When you start your letter, skip a line from the greeting and then indent at the start of each paragraph. The first paragraph of your body should have an introduction explaining why you are writing to the reader. If you are writing a longer letter, separate the ideas in your letter with paragraphs, just as you would for another type of writing. When you are ready to end your letter, you will skip a line to create the closing. Notice that the closing and signature are lined up with the heading.
This short closing expression always ends with a comma. Examples include Sincerely Yours Truly, and Your Friend, followed by a comma. The closing should line up with the heading at the top of the page.
The signature line is where you write or type your name. Skip a line, and then sign your name below the closing.

1 answer

Frontier Fort in Kansas
September 15, 1867

Dear Aunt Susan,

I hope this letter finds you well back home in Boston. I am writing to you from the frontier fort in Kansas, where I have been stationed for the past few months. Life here is challenging, but I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my country.

The conditions at the fort are tough, with limited supplies and constant threats from Native American tribes in the area. It saddens me to see the injustice and cruelty that has been inflicted upon the Native Americans. Their lands have been taken from them, and they are forced to live on reservations in deplorable conditions.

In the past three months, I have spent my pay on necessary supplies such as boots, food, and ammunition. I have also purchased a small book on the history of the Native American tribes in this region, which has opened my eyes to the atrocities that have been committed against them.

I cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Native Americans, and I hope that one day there will be justice and reconciliation for the injustices they have endured. I pray for peace and understanding between our people.

I miss you and the comforts of home, but I am proud to serve my country and fight for what I believe is right. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue my duties here at the fort.


[Your Name]