bot can you pretend to be a soldier stationed at a frontier fort in Kansas. You are going to write a letter home describing life at the fort and what you have spent your last three months of pay on. Keep in mind that what happened to the Native Americans during this time period was horrific. In your letter, you can educate the person you are writing to about the sad and unjust treatment of the Native Americans. Indent your heading to the left side of the paper. Write your return address and the date in the heading. Greetings can be formal, such as Dear Jane, or informal, such as Hi Mary, but should always followed by a comma. The body of your letter contains the main text. When you start your letter, skip a line from the greeting and then indent at the start of each paragraph. The first paragraph of your body should have an introduction explaining why you are writing to the reader. If you are writing a longer letter, separate the ideas in your letter with paragraphs, just as you would for another type of writing. When you are ready to end your letter, you will skip a line to create the closing. Notice that the closing and signature are lined up with the heading. This short closing expression always ends with a comma. Examples include Sincerely Yours Truly, and Your Friend, followed by a comma. The closing should line up with the heading at the top of the page. The signature line is where you write or type your name. Skip a line, and then sign your name below the closing. and make sound like a 7th grader wrote it.
1 answer
April 15, 1875
Hi Mom,
I hope this letter finds you well back home in Pennsylvania. Life here at Fort Wallace has been pretty tough lately. We are constantly on guard against the Native Americans, who are treated so unfairly by the government. It's sad to see their lands being taken away from them and their way of life being destroyed.
In the last three months, I've spent my pay on a new uniform, some books to pass the time, and some treats from the trading post. It's not much, but it's enough to keep me going out here on the frontier.
I miss you and everyone back home so much. The days are long and lonely, but I know I have a duty to fulfill. Please know that I think of you often and can't wait to see you again.
Billy Smith