Book 1 chapter 1 page 1 :log 1: "it's been days, weeks, years? just a drift in space,  i hope there were other survivors but i doubt it." :log 2: "i have lost hope, i turned on my processing unit from the inside and it has apparently been 78,962 years sense my home planet was destroyed, by my own brother... i will kill him." :log 3: "something exiting happened! i was flung through a black hole! after 7 bilean Melenia... just let me die." :log 407 final log: "is pain my fate? to just eternally wonder why... what is that ":scanning:" a blue green ball shaped planet about 18 times the size of that earth planet that was predicted to form. and it supports life?!?! what?!?! were?!?! when?!?! HOW?!?!, am i going to be free?": notification system: charge is at .5%, .10% 16% 18% 29% full activation starting impact with planet iminit. 8 presents needed to survive in, 10: "YES, YES FINALLY" :9: "AFTER MY TIME SYSTEM BROKE AND SO DID I" :8:, "I WILL BE FREE!...": terminal villosity reached 2: "thank you..." (CRUNCH) then it all went black. "hello? why am i buried so deep. and how am i fixed you know what it doesn't matter, let's get out of here." i realized i was talking to the ground and momentarily questend my sanity. of course i am insane after how long it has been! (BOOM) the winged 6-ton mechanical beast flys out of the ground, its thin armor equipped, standing at 6 feet its strength is very impressive: "ok what to do now, hmm find a home! but first what is my designated name let's see, the black prototype nicknamed Proto . oh and, end log." 

page 2: "OK this looks good, this can be my main base, for now. "i exclaimed, thinking about the make-shaft pole holding up the animal pelt "now i need to recharge my battery hmm, something hot, electric, onomiles or fast maybe." i said as i realized what i just said. "ya like something fast could recharge my battery" i mocked as i walked more and more miles way from base :blaster activated: lazer blade mod for blaster finished, 100% to 1000% required: "grrr " then i bit my tong when i realized i didn't have a map back home. "oh my god why am i so stupid" i went over to the closest tree and with a thought it turned to paper and collected a bunch of it for fire a general map and a wall of objectives, after the rest of the day i finally made it back home, it had collapsed. so i decided to rearrange the adems in some of the paper to be 2 nails and nailed the pelt to the side of the mountain as to be a door. then dug a hole in the mountain face to be the enterer then called it a day when i realized it was 3:13 am. "good morning, crappy house." i exclaimed unnervingly gleefully. :4 present: "ok lets postpone the house to find energy." :storm moving in sudden cause is unclear, but is likely a frost storm dragon: "oh crap, oh a frost storm dragon... means lightning!" then my blood went cold as a heard something indescribably terrifying :scanners detect creature, class is death-bringer, size is godly heat readings at the heart of creature are absolute zero, creature name is fremmoss: "sh**"
the fremmoss has already been delt with so this is just a recap and w

1 answer

continuation from page 2:

:log 11: "Well, that was unexpected. I managed to defeat the fremmoss, but it was a close call. I need to be more careful in this new environment. I should gather more information about the creatures that inhabit this planet. It seems I have a lot to learn."

I spent the next few days exploring the surrounding area, trying to familiarize myself with the terrain and the different species of flora and fauna. It was fascinating to see the diversity of life on this planet. I encountered various creatures, some friendly and curious, while others were aggressive and territorial.

:log 12: "I have found a reliable source of energy. There is a volcanic region not too far from my base. The lava flowing from the volcanoes can be harnessed to recharge my battery. It's a dangerous process, but it's necessary for my survival. I will need to build a protective suit to endure the extreme heat."

Using the materials I collected from the environment, I began constructing a volcanic suit. It took several attempts and modifications, but eventually, I created a suit that could withstand the high temperatures of the lava. With my new suit, I was able to approach the volcanic region safely and recharge my battery.

:log 13: "With my battery fully charged, I feel more confident and ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. This planet is both beautiful and treacherous. I must remain cautious and vigilant at all times. Survival is my priority."

As the days turned into weeks, I continued to explore, gather resources, and improve my base. I constructed more advanced equipment and weapons to defend myself against the hostile creatures. Slowly, I was adapting to this new environment and building a life of my own.

:log 14: "I have decided to name my base 'Proto Haven.' It symbolizes my journey from being lost and aimless to finding a place of refuge and hope. Proto Haven will serve as a sanctuary, a home in this unfamiliar world."

I stood at the entrance of Proto Haven, looking out at the horizon. There was still so much to discover and uncover on this planet. But for now, I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had overcome countless obstacles and survived against all odds. This was only the beginning of my journey on this strange and intriguing planet.

:end log