fb = frequency heard then emmitted by blood particle
fb = (c+v) f /c
fl = frequency heard back at the source
f receiver = fr = fb c/(c-v)
so the result is:
fr = f * (c+v)/(c-v)
which is B (sort of, parenthesis missing)
Blood flow rates in the umbilical cord can be found by measuring the Doppler shift of the ultrasound signal reflected by the red blood cells. If the source emits a frequency f, what is the measured reflected frequency fR? Assume that all of the red blood cells move directly toward the source. Let c be the speed of sound in blood and v be the speed of the red blood cells.
A) f (c+v)/c
B) f (c+v)/c-v
C) f (c+v)/v-c
D) f (c-v)/v+c
1 answer