Black blizzards *

Black Tuesday *
Boom *
Bust *
commodity *
conglomerate *
draft *
Dust Bowl *
Economic Recession *
Fiscal Conservatism *
Great Depression *
Labor Unions *
Neutrality *
New Deal *
Petrochemical *
Prohibition *
Sharecropper *
Suffrage *

3 answers

there are many online dictionaries
and of course, google.
Don't expect someone else to do your work, meager as it is.
You don't have to do them all. I have all but 1. And I have checked google but it wasn't helpful in the slightest. so could you at least have a little respect and decency. I need #1.
Olivia -- please do not play games with Jiskha's tutors. You didn't tell us that you only wanted the first definition. We are not mind readers.

You're still playing games. I Googled Black Blizzards definition. Lo and behold -- this appeared!