Based on the factors of biodiversity - the health of the ecosystem, the number of species present, and the amount of genetic diversity - the scene that shows the greatest biodiversity is the jungle.
The jungle ecosystem is typically more biodiverse than a meadow ecosystem, as it contains multiple layers including the canopy, undergrowth, and ground cover, providing habitats for a wide variety of species. The rainforest is also generally considered a healthier ecosystem than a meadow, as it has higher species richness and abundance.
Additionally, the presence of otters in the scene does not necessarily indicate greater biodiversity, as the diversity of species present is a more important factor than the number of individuals of a particular species. Therefore, the jungle scene is likely to have greater biodiversity due to the variety of species present and the overall health of the ecosystem.
Biodiversity depends on three things: The health of the Ecosystem, the number of species present, and the amount of genetic diversity in those species. Considering these factors, carefully evaluate the two images below. Based on your observations, which scene shows the greatest biodiversity and why?
1 point
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The jungle, because the number of species present including the canopy, undergrowth, and ground cover, is greater than the number of species in the meadow.
The otters, because there is more wildlife and more sunlight available in this ecosystem.
The rainforest, because rainforests are healthier ecosystems than meadows.
The otters, because the plants are visibly more dense and healthier than the plants in the jungle ecosystem.
1 answer