BIODIVERSITY and ECOSYSTEM PORTFOLIO INSTRUCTIONS-OUTLINE PowerPoint or Google Slides Research Project A. TASK- What am I supposed to do? - Choose a living organism from the animal kingdom that you are interested in and would like to research/know more about. - Create a Powerpoint or Google Slides presentation about your animal that includes all the required information and items listed below in the "Instructions, Requirements & Outline". B. INSTRUCTIONS, REQUIREMENTS & OUTLINE: Include the following items and information using each number as a title of a slide with the information that is being asked of within that slide. *** Select a theme/background color. (Have fun and try to be creative) *** Be sure to include a picture or illustration on each slide. SLIDE 1)The "TITLE SLIDE" for your PowerPoint/Google slides. *Please include your chosen animal’s name (common and scientific) along with your name and course. Ex. Tiger (Panthera tigris) Mary O'Connor 7th grade science SLIDE 2) CLASSIFICATION: *List the biological/taxonomic classification, in oorder, for the animal you have chosen. (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) Ex. Domestic cat- Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Felidae, Genus: Felis, Species: Felis catus SLIDE 3) ECOSYSTEM: *Create a slide describing your animal living in its habitat (include both living organisms and geographic features that interact with your chosen animal in its environment). SLIDE 4) ADAPTATIONS: *List/describe 3 adaptations of your animal (special features or behaviors that help it survive in its habitat, e.g. webbed feet, fur). SLIDE 5) COMMON CHARACTERISTICS: *Describe what your animal shares with other animals in its class. (e.g . identify whether it is a bird, fish , reptile, amphibian or mammal and list the characteristics of the class.) SLIDE 6) BIODIVERSITY: *Describe how your animal species contributes to the diversity of life (positively or negatively). SLIDE 7) HUMAN ACTIVITY: *Describe how human activity impacts the survival of your animal. SLIDES 8) and 9) DESIGN SOLUTIONS: *Select 2 issues (from the list below) for the ecosystem in which your chosen animal lives. *Add facts about the issues and include a possible solution to the problems. ● Wastewater treatment ● Water pollution ● Greenhouse effect ● Natural selection ● Coral whitening ● Erosion and deforestation ● Earth Radiation Budget ● Capture-mark-recapture
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