Biochemical Compounds

• Living things depend on biochemical processes that involve ______________________________
___________________ among biochemical compounds.
• There are ______ main classes of biochemical compounds
o _______________________________________
o _______________________________________
o _______________________________________
o _______________________________________
• Study of chemical composition and reactions occurring in ____________________________ matter
• ________________________________Compounds
o Do not contain carbon
o Exceptions - CO2, CO, bicarbonates
o Water is the most abundant and important inorganic material, making up 60% - 80% of all cells
and 2/3 of body weight
• Although cells are 70-95% water, the rest consists mostly of carbon-based compounds, or
_________________________ compounds.
• Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids are all composed of __________________atoms
bonded to each other and to atoms of other elements.
o These other elements commonly include ___________________, _____________________,
______________________, _____________________and __________________________.
• Carbon atoms are the most versatile __________________ ______________of molecules
• With a total of ______ electrons, a carbon atom has 2 in the first shell and 4 ______________________
_______________________ in the second shell.
• Carbon usually completes its valence shell (sharing a total of 8 elections) by sharing electrons with
_______________________________________________ in
• ____________________________macromolecules contain the elements ________________,
________________________, and __________________.
• Carbon is found in things that are or once were living.
• Carbon atoms _________ electrons to form ______________________________.
• As carbon-carbon bonds are _______________________, quick energy is released for use by the
• Organic compounds are composed of hundreds to thousands of individual molecules.
• The single molecules in a polymer are called _____________________________.
• The long molecules formed by repeating patterns of monomers are called
• Found in breads, pastas, and ___________
• Contain C, O, and H
• Examples: Sugars, Starches, and ________________
• Used as ________________________________________________
• Some carbs give ___________________ to living cells
• In plants, cellulose is a rigid material that gives ________________ to plant cells
organic compounds.
Carbohydrates: __________________________________________________
• The _______________________________________ of carbohydrate
• Examples of monosaccharide
o ________________________________
o Galactose
o Fructose
o All of these are __________________________
Carbohydrates: Disaccharides
• Two __________________________ bonded together
• Example of a disaccharide
o ________________________________: glucose + fructose
o Sucrose is commonly known as ______________________________
Carbohydrates: ______________________________________
• Chains of _____________________________ covalently
• Examples
o Starch
o ______________________
o ______________________
• Examples: ________________ and ______________
• Organic molecules that do not __________ or break apart in water
• Found as fats in ____________ and oil in _____________
• Store energy from excess food and ________________________________ and waterproofs organisms
• Many lipids are formed from a combination of one glycerol molecule and three __________________
• Consist of C, H, and O
• Saturated-if each carbon atom in the fatty acid chains is joined to another carbon by a
• Unsaturated-if there is at least one ____________________ between carbon atoms
Lipids: Phospholipid Bilayer
• ____________________________ are a key part of plasma membranes, making them
o Sketch a phospholipid:
o _______________________________ can pass directly through the lipid bilayer.
▪ Hydrophobic means “water fearing”
o ______________________________ must pass by other means.
▪ Hydrophilic means “water loving”
• Organic molecules composed of many atoms of _____, _____, _____, and _____
• Made of building blocks called ________________________________________
o Amino acid-________________________ whose molecule contains at least one amino group
(________) and one carboxyl group (-COOH)
• Amino acids join together to form _____________ called _________________.
• There are ____ different amino acids
• The amino group of one amino acid bonds to the ____________ group of another
• The bond that holds two amino acids together is called a ____________________
• When two amino acids bond together, they form a ________________________.
• Additional amino acids may join with a dipeptide to form a _________________.
• The _____________________________________ of amino acids determines the specific role of the
• Functional
o Take part in _______________________ and ____________________ materials (hormones,
such as insulin, and catalysts such as enzymes)
• Structural
o Serve as ____________________________ (Collagen-forms bones, tendons, ligaments, and
Proteins: _______________________________________
• Enzymes are organic _________________________ that control the ______________ of chemical
reactions within cells.
• A single organism may possess _______________________of different enzymes.
• Each one is __________________________ to a certain chemical reaction.
• Enzymes have a specific shape, called the ____________________, to which the reactant, or
___________________ can attach.

Proteins: Enzymes
• By providing such a reaction site, enzymes __________________________the amount of energy that
substrates need to react.
• In other words, enzymes reduce the _____________________________ _______________________.
• Three factors affect enzyme activity:
– _____________________________________
• Enzymes from different organisms tend to work best at different optimum temperatures.
– ____________________
• The pH of a solution describes how________________ or ____________ the solution is.
• Most enzymes function in a very narrow pH range, which varies depending on the
enzyme and its job.
– _______________________________
• The more substrate molecules available, the ____________ the reaction rate, until
Nucleic Acids
• The information that is passed on from one generation of cells to the next-
____________________________- is stored in nucleic acids
• Made of C,H,O,N, and _____
• Nucleic acids are assembled from individual units called ______________________________________
• 2 Most important nucleic acids
o DNA (_________________________________________________________)
o RNA (_________________________________________________________)
• The genetic information is stored in ___________________.
• It is _________________________ into RNA, and then __________________________ used to direct
the production of ___________________________________!
• Sketch (make a simple drawing) or write a description of the three parts of a nucleotide:
• In living things ________________________ is stored in a molecule of
• Energy is ________________________________in chemical bonds between phosphates
• Energy is _______________________when the bond is ______________ and one phosphate is released
• ________________________________________________ is produced when the phosphate is released
• Sketch or write a description of the STEPS of the ATP/ADP Cycle:

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