Billy Ray Lewis

Professor Lewis

English 102

25 February 2021


Broad Subject: Morality

Specific Topic: Shiftlet’s distorted sense of morality

Thesis Statement: In Flannery O’Connor’s “The Life You Save May Be

Your Own,” Shiftlet, a mean-spirited loner with distorted morals,

abandons an innocent girl who has been victimized by her mental and

physical limitations.

Supporting Points:

1. Shiftlet’s calculating nature

2. Shiftlet’s plans of escape

3. Shiftlet’s abandonment of the young girl

Supporting Statements:

1. Shiftlet portrays himself as a man of honesty, but his selfish concern

for himself reveals his calculating nature.

2. Although Shiftlet pretends to be interested in Lucynell, he

strategically plots his escape from her.

3. Leaving nothing to chance, Shiftlet ultimately abandons

Lucynel without her mother's knowledge.

Concluding Statement: Shiftlet is a deceitful drifter who remains true

to his character, further victimizing a young girl who is mentally and

physically incapable of preventing what is happening to her.

Title: Flannery O'Connor's "The Life You Save May Be Your Own"

Mode of Development (type of writing): Character Analysis

1 answer

I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of the story
B. Introduction of Shiftlet as the central character with distorted morals
C. Thesis statement

II. Shiftlet’s calculating nature
A. Shiftlet’s initial portrayal of honesty
B. Examples of Shiftlet’s selfish concerns for himself
C. Analysis of how Shiftlet’s actions reveal his calculating nature

III. Shiftlet’s plans of escape
A. Shiftlet’s initial interest in Lucynell
B. Shiftlet’s strategic plotting of his escape
C. Analysis of how Shiftlet’s plans reflect his deceitful nature

IV. Shiftlet’s abandonment of the young girl
A. Shiftlet’s abandonment of Lucynell
B. Shiftlet’s actions towards Lucynell’s mother
C. Analysis of how Shiftlet’s abandonment victimizes Lucynell further

V. Conclusion
A. Restatement of thesis
B. Summary of Shiftlet’s actions and their impact on Lucynell
C. Final thoughts on Shiftlet’s distorted sense of morality in the story