Bibliography of democracy and human rights,social and environmental responsibility,development of the self in society

1 answer

1. Bell, D. (2019). The China model: Political meritocracy and the limits of democracy. Princeton University Press.

2. Bunch, C. (2015). Democratizing human rights: International law and state failure. Oxford University Press.

3. Ekins, P. (Ed.). (2016). The Routledge handbook of environmentalism. Routledge.

4. Fromm, E. (2013). The art of being. Open Road Media.

5. Gastil, J., & Levine, P. (Eds.). (2005). The deliberative democracy handbook: Strategies for effective civic engagement in the twenty-first century. Jossey-Bass.

6. Giddens, A. (2011). The politics of climate change. Polity.

7. Hardt, M., & Negri, A. (2004). Multitude: War and democracy in the age of empire. Penguin.

8. Healy, J. (2017). The individual's guide to ethics, democracy, and the environment. Routledge.

9. Heywood, A. (2017). Political ideologies: An introduction. Palgrave Macmillan.

10. Sen, A. (2017). Development as freedom. Penguin Random House.