1. African Democracy Institute. (n.d.). Democracy and Human Rights. Retrieved from https://africandemocracyinstitute.org/democracy-and-human-rights/
2. Amnesty International South Africa. (n.d.). Human Rights Issues. Retrieved from https://www.amnesty.org.za/human-rights-issues/
3. Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria. (n.d.). Democracy and Human Rights in Africa. Retrieved from https://www.chr.up.ac.za/themes/democracy-and-human-rights-in-africa
4. Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. (n.d.). Democracy and Governance. Retrieved from https://www.ijr.org.za/democracy-governance/
5. South African Human Rights Commission. (n.d.). Human Rights Issues. Retrieved from https://www.sahrc.org.za/index.php/human-rights-issues
6. Sustainability Institute. (n.d.). Social and Environmental Responsibility. Retrieved from https://sustainabilityinstitute.net/
7. University of Cape Town. (n.d.). Development of the Self in Society. Retrieved from https://www.uct.ac.za/campus-life/student-development/development-of-the-self-in-society/
Bibliography of a South African internet about democracy and human rights
Social and environmental responsibility
Development of the self in society
1 answer