The corrected sentence is: "Between the three girls, they had enough money to see the movie Batman and to buy a copy of the magazine Computing Tips."
Changes Made:
- "3" to "three": It's generally preferred to write out numbers from one to nine in text.
- "has" to "had": Changed "has" to "had" for correct verb tense agreement. The past tense is appropriate here, indicating the girls had money at a specific time in the past.
- Added a comma after "three girls": This improves clarity by separating the introductory phrase from the main clause.
- "bought" to "to buy": Changed "bought" to "to buy" for parallel structure and consistency with "to see." Both phrases should be in the infinitive form.
- Capitalization of "Batman" and "Computing Tips": "Batman" is a title of a movie, and "Computing Tips" is a proper noun of a magazine, necessitating capitalization.
These changes help improve the clarity, structure, and grammatical correctness of the sentence.