Besides indirect and direct objects, what else can objective pronouns be used as?

objects of the preposition
objects of the possession
ownership over something
the subject of a verb

1 answer

Some other uses of objective pronouns include:

1. Objects of the preposition: Objective pronouns can function as the object of a preposition in a sentence. For example:
- He went with them to the park. (them is the object of the preposition with)
- I made dinner for her. (her is the object of the preposition for)

2. Objects of possession: Objective pronouns can be used as the object of possession, indicating that something belongs to someone. For example:
- That book is mine. (mine is the object of possession)
- Is this pen yours? (yours is the object of possession)

3. Emphasizing ownership over something: Objective pronouns can be used to emphasize ownership over something. For example:
- Give it to me! (me emphasizes ownership over the object being given)
- The car is hers. (hers emphasizes ownership over the car)

4. The subject of a verb in certain constructions: Although not as common, objective pronouns can also function as the subject of a verb in certain constructions, such as in imperative sentences or infinitive phrases. For example:
- Just let me be! (me is the subject of the verb be in the imperative sentence)
- I need him to help me. (him is the subject of the verb help in the infinitive phrase)