Besides budgeting - What are some uses for MS Excel we did not cover in class? Can you think of any other way you could use this application? Explain.

How are my assignments i learn. computer comarison,Data versus information,Technology of future, Internet scavenger hunt,Microsoft word,power pointpresentation, graphics editing, formatting excel spreadsheets,types of networks, cyber security,security systems

1 answer

So these are the Excel uses you have studied??

formatting excel spreadsheets

Data versus information

Read these carefully; then let us know what you decide.

Microsoft Excel overview / uses of Microsoft Excel. We provide Microsoft Excel VBA training for engineers and business professionals.
Microsoft Excel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Use of a user-defined function sq(x) in Microsoft Excel. The named variables x & y are identified in the Name Manager. The function sq is introduced using ...
Uses of Microsoft Excel Formulas |
Uses of Microsoft Excel Formulas. Microsoft Excel is a program for manipulating text and numbers in spreadsheet form. Instead of doing arithmetic with a ...
Beyond the Basics - Advanced Uses of Microsoft Excel
Use the following modules to gain credit for Advanced Uses of Microsoft Excel If you need to review, go back to the introductory Excel module. ...