Beowulf by Eddie McPherson BEOWULF: I am Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow. I have come to destroy the demon Grendel. 1ST POET: The Captain was immediately impressed with Beowulf’s quiet strength and confident demeanor. CAPTAIN: Grendel has slaughtered many men and fear has paralyzed the kingdom. Allow me to warn you in advance: If you plan to confront the creature, don’t expect to return to your home, for surely Grendel will kill you and all your men. If you have any brains at all, you will go aboard your ship again and return home. Beowulf, folktale, adapted by Eddie McPherson © This play is reprinted from Plays, The Drama Magazine for Young People with the permission of the publisher Plays/Sterling Partners Inc. 897 Washington Street #600160, Newton, MA 02460 Question Use the passage to answer the question. Which topics are discussed in this passage? Select the two correct answers. (1 point) Responses courage courage sailing sailing poetry poetry evil evil monarchies monarchies

1 answer

The two correct answers that are discussed in the passage are:

  1. courage
  2. evil

Beowulf's determination to confront Grendel despite the warnings reflects courage, and Grendel's characterization as a demon suggests the theme of evil.

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