benign,blase,comprise,condescend,facade,glib,haughty,libel,pseudonym,and redundant

Believing he was better than everyone else at the supermarket, Dan was so______(haughty) that he would rarely_____(condescend)to speak to the other cashier.
One author was accused of___(libel)when he wrote a damaging article about the governor's wife. Subsequently, he used a ____(pseudonym)so people wouldn't know he was the author whose facts were in doubt.
At first Joanne thought Barry was too_____,(glib) that his smooth talk was all show. As she got to know him better, however, her perception of him changed. She found that his east matter reflected a friendly and____(benign)nature.
The scenery crew for the summer theatre ___(e)d(comprise) three artists and a set designer.They created an intricate____(facade)of a medieval castle,complete with a carved door,a drawbridge, and a moat.
The writing teacher had become____(blase)from repeatedly seeing the same problems: careless organization, lack of focus, and writing so____(redundant)that many sentences said the same thing. In addition, students often turned to plagiarism rather than use their own words.

2 answers

Blase comprise benign libel pseudonym redundant condescend haughty glib