below is a letter we must highlight and correct. It has 14 errors. Could you please review?? I wasn't certain if I should put enclosure(s).


Mr. Daniel G. Sothern
674 Dunstan Street
Dallas, TX zip

Dear Mr. Sothern

Our client, Sidney Moss, executor for the Estate of Charles R. Veck, recently assigned Mr. Joseph Bonadonna, a foreign rights specialist, to act as the Estate's foreign sales representative in England and Europe. Mr. Bonadonna has extensive experience in foreign rights sales and is well known to Light and Sons, Publishers, Ltd, in London, the firm that has reprinted in England all of Charles Veck's western and science fiction novels.

We anticipate that Mr. Bonadonna will be able to make sales for most, if not all, of the carry-ons and pastiches based on Charles Veck's novels and characters, including your missing last part of the sentence.

The Estate's percentage from any sales of carry-on and pastiche novels written by writers-for-hire will be 17 ½%, similar to other foreign rights agreements we have negotiated in the past.

This agreement is separate and apart from the domestic sales agreement clause in your contract with New Lion, which has published your Veck carry-ons and pastiches in the united states.

If you are in agreement with the foregoing, would you kindly sign and date one of these copies and return it to me as soon as possible. Thank you.

Sincerely, ____________________ DANIEL G. SOTHERN

Marvin Gold
Attorney- at- Law


5 answers

Have you made corrections in this already? If not, please do so ... and then post your corrected copy.
yes, this is the corrected copy. The signature line over Daniel Sothern is in the correct place on my copy but did not paste correctly.
Are you supposed to add actual numbers in the space for the zip code?

What punctuation needs to be after "Dear Mr. Sothern" <~~??

The word estate does not need to be capitalized anywhere in this.

Ltd <~~needs a period before the comma

... and those are only four! Are you sure you made corrections??
below is the original. Directions for it was to highlight and correct the paper. It stated there were only 14 errors in the paper. I found more than 14??? No other directions were given. I put the word "date" and "zip" where they should go on the first paper. I am assuming it should be block, mixed punctuation.

Mr. Daniel G. Sothern
674 Dunstan Str.
Dallas, TX

Dear Mr. Sothern

Our client, Sidney Moss, executor for the Estate of Charles R. Veck recently assigned Mr. Joseph Bonadonna, a foreign rights specialist, to act as the Estate's foreign sales representative in england and europe. Mr. Bonadonna has extensive experience in foreign rights sales and is well known to Light and Sons, Publishers, Ltd, in London, the firm that has reprinted in England all of Charles Veck's western and science fiction novels.

We anticipate that Mr. Bonadonna will be able to make sales for most, if not all, of the carryons and pastiches based on Charles Veck's novels and characters, including your

The Estate's percentage from any sales of carry-on and pastiche novels written by writers-for-hire will be seventeen and a half percent, similar to other foreign rights agreements we have negotiated in the past.

This agreement is separate and apart from the domestic sales agreement clause in your contract with New Lion, which has published your Veck carry-ons and pastiches in the united states.

If you are in agreement with the foregoing, would you kindly sign and date one of these copies and return it to me as soon as possible. Thank you.


Marvin Gold
Attorney at Law
Please post your corrected copy.