Below are sentences from Shona (S10), Swahili (G40) and Northern Sotho (S30). Provide glossing for the sentences given below. You will be graded on the accuracy of your glossing, the correct identification of morpheme boundaries, and the proper formatting of your glossing.

1. Chingwa chadyiwa nomwana.
‘The bread is being eaten by the child’
2. Hatutasoma.
‘We will not read’
3. Monna ogamela bana kgomo.
‘The man milks the cow for the children’
(Northern Sotho)


1 answer

Here is the glossing for the provided sentences:

  1. Chingwa chadyiwa nomwana.
    chingwa cha- dy- i- wa no- mwana
    bread 1SG-PST-EAT-PASS by-1SG child
    Translation: ‘The bread is being eaten by the child.’

  2. Hatutasoma.
    ha- tu- ta- soma
    neg- 1PL-FUT-READ
    Translation: ‘We will not read.’

  3. Monna ogamela bana kgomo.
    monna o- gamela bana kgomo
    man 1SG-PRES-milk children cow
    Translation: ‘The man milks the cow for the children.’

In this glossing, I have accurately identified morpheme boundaries and utilized proper formatting for morpheme glossing and translations.