Being a good citizen in our class and demonstrating good sportsmanship are two examples of good communication. During the course describe 2 specific examples of how you were able to personally demonstrate those two very important qualities.

(help people grab some ice when they fall, provide one more?)

1 answer

1. In our class, there was a student who often struggled with understanding the material and completing assignments on time. Instead of just focusing on my own work, I took the time to help this student understand the material and work through assignments together. By doing this, I was being a good citizen in our class by supporting and helping my classmates.

2. During a sports event in our school, I witnessed a player from the opposing team fall and injure themselves during a play. Instead of just standing by and watching, I immediately ran over to help them up and offered to get them some ice for their injury. By demonstrating empathy and compassion towards the injured player, I was showing good sportsmanship and being a good citizen on the field.