After researching the prices of these precious metals over time, Aaliyah found that the value of each metal has significantly increased since 1970.
In 1970, the prices were as follows:
- Rhodium: $200 (Orange) and $750 (Blue)
- Gold: $50 (Orange) and $600 (Blue)
- Platinum: $150 (Orange) and $700 (Blue)
- Palladium: $50 (Orange) and $200 (Blue)
Aaliyah can use this information to make informed decisions about investing in precious metals based on their historical price trends.
Before making any investments in precious metals, Aaliyah decided to find out their prices over time
Orange 1970
Blue 1980
Rhodium Orange ($200)
Rhodium Blue ($750)
Gold Orange ($50)
Gold Blue ($600)
Platinum orange ($150)
Platinum Blue ($700)
Palladium Orange ($50)
Palladium Blue ($200)
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