Bees do not pollinate flowers on purpose. When a honeybee is collecting pollen from the anthers, it puts the pollen in special pollen baskets on its hind legs. These are like pouches that hold the pollen when the bee flies back to its hive. The honeybee is a messy pollen gatherer Some of the pollen gets stuck on the hairs of its body, as you can see in the photo. The yellow dust on the bee's body and legs is pollen from the

flower on which it landed. When the bee visits the next flower, some of that pollen brushes off, and if it sticks to the stigma, pollination takes place.

The bee does not make any effort to put the pollen in the right place. It gets to the right place while the bee is gathering its own food.

Do you know anyone who has tried to grow his or her own tomatoes? Tomato plants get yellow flowers on them, just like in the photo. The tomato is now growing where a flower used to be. The two yellow flowers in the photo could become tomatoes (fruits), but they might not Sometimes, even though a tomato plant has lots of flowers, only some of them will produce tomatoes. red

Why do you think that happens?

3 answers

There are several reasons why a tomato plant may not produce tomatoes even though it has plenty of flowers. One reason could be inadequate pollination. If there are not enough bees or other pollinators visiting the flowers to transfer pollen, then the fruit may not develop properly. Another reason could be environmental factors such as too hot or too cold temperatures, lack of sunlight, or improper soil conditions. Additionally, diseases or pests may also affect the plant's ability to produce fruit. It's important for tomato growers to ensure that their plants are receiving proper care and attention to maximize fruit production.
Shorter answer??
Some reasons why a tomato plant may not produce tomatoes despite having plenty of flowers are inadequate pollination, environmental factors, diseases, pests, and improper care.