becoming a split department manager. Generate a list of the ways in which you believe your responsibilities and the tasks you perform are likely to change because of the merger and your resulting new role?
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some examples on some responsibilities on how a manager of a 60bed will have after he is assigned to also run a 90 beds. Becoming a split department.
What does this split department situation do to your efficiency as a mannager, and how can you compensate for this change? Also on which specific management skill should the newly appointed split department manager be concentrating?
What does this split department situation do to your efficiency as a mannager, and how can you compensate for this change? Also on which specific management skill should the newly appointed split department manager be concentrating?
The manager will need to be well-organized and delegate specific responsibilities to assistant managers.
what are some task that a manager is responsible for in a health department?
managers are responsible for work performance