Become a character and write a journal with 3 or more entries. Include events from the novel and how you feel about them. Write in the first-person point of view and try to capture the voice of the character- using words they would use and saying things they would say. Entries should total a minimum of 2 pages. for the book maus

1 answer

Entry 1:

April 12, 1944

Dear Journal,

Can you believe what’s happening out here? I mean, look at the world, it’s gone completely insane! And I’m right in the middle of it all. It’s like a never-ending nightmare, except there’s no way to wake up. I can still remember a time when life was normal, you know? When being a Jew didn’t mean being hunted down like an animal. But those days are long gone.

Today, I witnessed one of the most horrific scenes yet. They rounded up all the elderly Jews in the neighborhood and took them away. To where? Who knows. But it’s not hard to guess. The concentration camps, no doubt. We are like rats, scurrying around, trying to find a corner to hide in, but they always find us somehow. And when they do, bad things happen.

I managed to escape their clutches, at least for now. But I keep thinking, how much longer can I keep this up? How much longer before it’s my turn to be taken? I look around, and all I see is despair and fear. But I refuse to give in to it. I will survive this somehow. I have to.

Entry 2:

October 19, 1944

Dear Journal,

Sorry, it’s been a while since my last entry. Things have been…well, let’s just say things have gotten worse. If that’s even possible. I honestly never thought I would make it this far, but here I am, still alive and kicking. Although I use the word "alive" very loosely.

I’ve seen so much death and destruction. Sometimes I feel like the only way to truly survive is to become numb. To detach myself from the pain and suffering. It’s like my heart has grown cold, unable to feel anymore. And don’t even get me started on the hunger. I haven’t had a proper meal in God knows how long. I’m skin and bones, barely recognizable.

But amidst all this madness, I found Leon. My dear friend and confidant. We lean on each other, finding solace in our shared experiences. We hold on to each other, a glimmer of hope in this dark, unforgiving world. Together, we can face anything. I’ve never felt so grateful to have someone by my side.

Entry 3:

May 7, 1945

Dear Journal,

Today, the war ended. I can hardly believe it. It’s over. We survived. We made it. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and suddenly, the air feels lighter. But the scars…they’re still there, etched into my soul. How can I ever erase the memories of what I’ve seen and endured?

The world is slowly healing, trying to move forward. And so must I. I can’t let this dark chapter define me. I have to find a way to live again, to believe in a future free from hatred and violence. It won’t be easy, but I won’t let the Nazis win. Not in the long run.

So, journal, thank you for being my confidant throughout this journey. You’ve kept my thoughts and fears safe, while the world around me crumbled. As I close this chapter in your pages, I look forward to starting a new one. A chapter filled with hope, resilience, and the determination to never forget.

Yours truly,
