because of a diet that varies from small mammals to wild berries the texas gray fox is classified as a omnivore

write the meaning of omnivore
explain how the word parts(the root vore and prefix omni)help you discover the words meaning
then explain how contexxt clues in the sentemce help you discover the words meaning

1 answer

The word "omnivore" refers to an organism that is capable of consuming both plant and animal matter as part of its diet.

The word "vore" consists of the root "vor,” which comes from the Latin word "vorare" meaning "to swallow." This root implies the act of eating or consuming. The prefix "omni" comes from the Latin word "omnis," meaning "all" or "every." Combining these parts, we can conclude that an "omnivore" is an entity that can consume or eat all types of food, both plant and animal.

In the given sentence, the use of the phrase "varies from small mammals to wild berries" suggests that the diet of the Texas gray fox includes both animal prey (small mammals) and plant matter (wild berries). This provides a context clue that the term "omnivore" is used to describe the eating habits of the Texas gray fox, indicating its ability to eat a wide range of foods.