People aren't intrinsic. Check this definition.
Individuals aren't learned.
You have an incomplete sentence in the second paragraph.
You have two completely separate ideas in your last paragraph.
Rose, I think you can do better than this if you think and proofread.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What might be attractive to one might not to another. There is a little bit of both factors because some people are intrinsic for example, having a race preference, black versus white, big versus thin, tall versus short and sexual preference same sex versus opposite sex.
On the other hand, some individuals are learned through association. Those individuals either grew up in the environment or learned to love it and by association through hanging out with friends. The media and one’s peers create an image of what beauty should be. For example a six foot tall model with a size 0. Therefore, the media and the peer create a false and unrealistic image of what beauty should be.
A variety of factors influence the perception of attractiveness in sexual and romantic relationships. In essence, attraction is influenced by cultural and societal context because one will never be able to know why do some people like abstract art while others prefer landscape.
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