Be sure to read the lesson intro page for help with the discussion. Let me know when you have updated it, so I can re-grade it. Discussion Assignment Expectations 1. You must submit your own work for the assignment. It needs to demonstrate understanding of the topic, and answer all parts of the discussion question. (worth 6 points) 2. You must post comments to AT LEAST two other classmates. (each post 2 points) 3. Use complete sentences! 4. Don’t post a comment that just says “That’s cool.” or “Nice job.” or “I agree.” 5. Posted comments should include why you feel that way. For example: “I agree because….” or “I respectfully disagree because…” or “I really liked that because…” 6. Do not post what a student should have said, what was missing, etc. It’s my job to grade content.
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