Battles – match each battle with its importance and locate battle on map

1. ____ Fort Sumter
2. ____ 1st Bull Run
3. ____ Battle of Shiloh
4. ____ 2nd Bull Run
5. ____ Battle of Antietam
6. ____ Vicksburg
7. ____ Gettysburg
8. ____ Chattanooga
9. ____ Atlanta
10.____ Appomattox Courthouse
a. left Confederates 20 miles outside DC
b. first battle of the Civil War
c. showed that this would not be a quick war
d. Lee surrenders to Grant
e. helps Lincoln win re-election
f. cuts confederacy in two
g. bloodiest battle in 1862, helps North secure the West
h. Lincoln writes the Emancipation Proclamation
i. after Confederacy never invades North again
j. helps Union get control of Confederate RR