is related to the concept of time.
Examples of words involving the root "chrono" and their meanings:
1. Chronic illness: Refers to a long-lasting or persistent illness or condition.
2. Chronic pain: Describes ongoing or constant pain that lasts for an extended period.
3. Chronological: Relates to the sequence of events in the order in which they occurred in time.
4. Chronometer: A precise and accurate timekeeping device.
5. Chronology: Refers to the arrangement or study of events in the order of their occurrence in time.
In summary, when the root "chrono" is used in a word, it typically indicates a relationship with time, either in terms of a prolonged duration, recurring nature, or time-related sequencing.
Based on your knowledge of the word root chrono, something that is chronic
involves illness or disorder.
occurs repeatedly over time.
shows a cause-and-effect relationship.
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