Based on this evidence provided below turn it to this A study conducted by Swee Lay Thein showed by that a does this to b . this was measured by w and z. Therefore, the following research question has been developed. filling what will be going in for a or b or w or z

The second study from the journal Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases is better and more detailed in describing how genetic modifiers can impact the severity of sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. It also discusses potential therapeutic targets and personalized genetic risk scores for predicting severity.

Both are considered prototypical single gene disorders caused by mutations in the beta-globin gene on chromosome 11.
Despite being monogenic, they display a wide spectrum of clinical severity influenced by genetic modifiers.
The two major modifiers are the alpha-globin genotype and the ability to produce fetal hemoglobin (HbF).
Higher HbF levels are associated with a milder phenotype in both disorders by inhibiting HbS polymerization or compensating for lack of HbA.
Other genetic variants and pathways involved in HbF regulation are being studied as potential therapeutic targets.
Combining information on HbF levels, alpha-globin status, and other modifiers may allow generating personalized genetic risk scores to predict severity.

1 answer

A study conducted by Swee Lay Thein showed that genetic modifiers can impact the severity of sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia. This impact was measured by HbF levels and alpha-globin genotype. Therefore, the following research question has been developed: How do genetic modifiers affect the severity of monogenic single gene disorders such as sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia, and how can this information be used to develop personalized genetic risk scores for predicting severity?