Ethos: As a student leader who has always shown respect for school rules and policies, I urge you to reconsider canceling the prom.
I used ethos by appealing to my reputation as a responsible and respectful student leader, implying that my opinion should hold some weight.
Pathos: Canceling prom would not only be devastating for us seniors who have been looking forward to this event for years, but it would also rob us of the chance to make precious memories.
I used pathos by appealing to the emotions of the principal and highlighting the potential negative impact canceling prom would have on students' emotional well-being and cherished memories.
Logos: Considering all the safety measures that can be put in place, such as limiting guest numbers, implementing social distancing protocols, and requiring masks, the prom can still be a safe event for everyone involved.
I used logos by presenting a logical argument based on practical solutions and evidence that demonstrate how prom can still be held safely despite the current circumstances.
Based on the following situation write your own persuasive sentences using ethos, pathos, or logos. You must use each persuasive technique once. Identify which technique you have used, and under your persuasive sentence, explain how you have used this technique. (3 points each) The principle has canceled the prom. You are trying to persuade them to consider the decision
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