Based �on� free� energies� of �hydrolysis�given� below,� for� each �of� the� following�reactions:�
i)�Determine� the� overall� ∆G� of �the�reaction�
ii)�State� whether� it �is �favorable�(spontaneous)�as� written��
Phosphocreatine� � � '43.1�kJ/mol�
Glycerolphosphate� � � '9.7�kJ/mol�
Phosphoenolpyruvate� � '61.9�kJ/mol�
Glucose'6'phosphate� � '12.5�kJ/mol�
a. �ATP� + �creatine� <->�Phosphocreatine� + �ADP�
b.� ATP �+� glycerol� <-> glycerolphosphate� +�ADP�
c.�ADP �+ �Phosphoenopyruvate� <-> pyruvate�+ �ATP�
d.�pyruvate �+� glucose'6'phosphate� <-> glucose� +� phosphoenopyruvate
The arrows are supposed to be separate arrows, going in opposite directions. I'm really stuck and I don't understand this question. Please help soon.