Based off this passage who are the characters, their characteristics, the setting, the morals, the theme, the factors, and lastly what is Waxvog's opinion of Ton the weighty, use words from the text.
“Our king was driven south by Holorians,” the forest trasnos spoke, “I must return and find him, if he live.”
“Stay with me,” Waxvog said and he began to walk on into the forest, his trasnos following.
But not a single forest trasnos followed, they stayed where they were, the tall imposing giants staid still. One leaned on his massive axe, he yawned widely showing off his fangs.
“No,” the forest trasnos stated, “We serve the lord of the wood, the king of the forest, and the baron of the trees, he is our lord. Not you, we will not serve you.”
“Curses!” Waxvog muttered in impatience, “Let us go, your king has fallen. Do you truly desire to go down into the deep, scary, pit of death? Come with me and—live.”
The forest trasnos shook his head with a large smile on his massive green face, “No,” he said once again, “I Ton the Weighty, will not abandon my king, you are not he,” without a second glance Ton turned about and ran off his feet and the feet of his followers making a racket upon the grassy ground.
“Now there goes a nos worthy of his position, he is truly a good one, would it that I had his loyalty, how unwavering!” Waxvog said, and he and his mountains trasnos went in to the dark woods.
17 answers
Characteristics: Waxvog is impatient and desires loyalty. The forest trasnos serve their lord and are loyal to their king. Ton is loyal and unwavering in his loyalty to his king.
Setting: A forest
Morals: Loyalty, duty, and the importance of serving one's king or lord.
Theme: Loyalty and duty to one's ruler or leader.
Factors: The forest trasnos are loyal to their king and are unwilling to serve Waxvog. Ton is loyal to his king and chooses to stay with him instead of going with Waxvog.
Waxvog's opinion of Ton the Weighty: Waxvog admires Ton's loyalty and wishes he had that trait himself. He views Ton as a worthy member of his position.