To determine who made fewer greeting cards each week, we can look at the number of greeting cards made by Barry and Samantha for each corresponding week:
Week 1:
- Barry: 12 cards
- Samantha: 11 cards
- Conclusion: Samantha made 1 card less than Barry.
Week 2:
- Barry: 24 cards
- Samantha: 22 cards
- Conclusion: Samantha made 2 cards less than Barry.
Week 3:
- Barry: 36 cards
- Samantha: 33 cards
- Conclusion: Samantha made 3 cards less than Barry.
Week 4:
- Barry: 48 cards
- Samantha: 44 cards
- Conclusion: Samantha made 4 cards less than Barry.
Overall, each week Samantha made fewer greeting cards compared to Barry. Therefore, Samantha made less greeting cards each week.