Banning Mobile Phones At School
Glow:Alex provides specific examples of how phones can be a distraction from school work, such as constant notifications and games installed on the phone.
Grow: Alex could provide more evidence or examples to support their claim that phones can negatively affect students' mental health, as this is an important aspect to consider in the overall argument.
Glow: Alex acknowledges that phones can be used as a source of knowledge, allowing students access to news stories, blog posts, and other valuable resources.
Grow: Alex could address potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives regarding the benefits of allowing phones in schools, in order to present a more balanced and comprehensive view of the topic.
Raising Minimum Wage
Grow: Andrew could benefit from providing more evidence and support for its claims. It states that increasing the minimum wage would decrease poverty levels and lead to a more stable economy, but does not provide specific examples or data to support these assertions.
Grow: The use of language could be improved to make the argument more persuasive. There are phrases like "extremely scummy" and "fake homeless" that may not come across as professional or objective.
Glow: The blog provides a clear example of the current minimum wage in Georgia and compares it to the livable wage, illustrating the discrepancy and the struggles that low-wage workers face.
Glow: Andrew’s blog is well-structured, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point and providing reasons to support the argument for increasing the minimum wage. This makes the argument easy to follow and understand.
Homework Banned
Glow: Hunter effectively uses personal anecdotes to support their argument about the negative effects of homework on mental and physical health. This adds a relatable and human element to their points.
Glow: Hunter uses statistics and research to back up their claims about the negative effects of homework on students. This shows that they have done their research and adds credibility to their argument.
Grow: The organization and cohesion of the blog could be improved. The writer jumps between different topics and ideas without clear transitions, making it difficult for the reader to follow their train of thought.
Grow: Hunter could provide more evidence and support for their argument about the financial burden of homework on less wealthy families. They mention the cost of computers, but do not provide any further details or examples to back up this claim
Why Zoos Shouldn’t be Banned
Glow: The blog effectively highlights the importance of zoos for protecting endangered animals. It explains that zoos provide a safe environment for animals threatened by poachers or environmental issues.
Glow: The blog provides specific examples of how zoos have contributed to the conservation of endangered species, such as the Giant Pandas. It explains that the efforts in zoos have helped stabilize the panda population and change their status from "endangered" to "vulnerable”.
Grow: The blog could provide more specific examples or evidence to support the claim that zoos are a good educational resource for all ages. It mentions that zoos offer learning opportunities for different age groups but doesn't provide specific details or examples of these educational activities.
Grow: The blog could benefit from expanding on the role of zoo veterinarians and how they contribute to the well-being of animals in zoos. It briefly mentions that zoo vets treat injured animals but doesn't go into much detail about their expertise and the range of care they provide.
Students Should Be Allowed To Use Their Cellphones In Class
Grow: There are some errors in punctuation and capitalization throughout the excerpt that need improvement. For example, there is inconsistent capitalization of the word "cell" in "students can use their cell phones" and "students have access to technology and social media." Consistency and correct usage of capitalization and punctuation is important for clarity and professionalism.
Grow: The structure of the excerpt could be improved for better organization and cohesion. The introduction could clearly state the main argument and the subsequent paragraphs could focus on specific supporting points. Better transitions between ideas and paragraphs would also improve the overall flow and readability of the excerpt.
Glow: The excerpt provides several examples, such as quotes from teachers and references to articles, to support the argument that cell phones can enhance education. These examples provide credibility and strengthen the author's position.
Glow: Juliea critically analyzes the counterargument of cyberbullying and effectively counters it by emphasizing the importance of teaching proper cell phone etiquette and digital responsibility. This demonstrates thoughtful consideration of opposing views and a well-rounded argument.
Which of these stories fall into:
Beginning Learners: Students in this category demonstrate limited understanding and proficiency in the subject area. They may have significant gaps in knowledge and struggle to apply concepts or solve problems effectively.
Developing Learners: Students in the developing category exhibit partial understanding and proficiency in the subject area. They show some ability to apply knowledge and skills, but may still require support and further development to reach grade-level expectations.
Proficient Learners: Proficient learners demonstrate a solid understanding and proficiency in the subject matter. They can apply concepts, solve problems, and communicate effectively within the scope of the assessed subject. Students in this category meet the established standards and expectations.
Distinguished Learners: Distinguished learners exhibit an exceptional level of understanding and proficiency in the subject area. They demonstrate a deep comprehension of complex concepts, think critically, analyze information, and effectively communicate their ideas. Students in this category exceed the established standards and expectations.
3 answers
Raising Minimum Wage: This argument falls into the Developing Learners category. While the author presents some points, they would benefit from providing more evidence and support to strengthen their claims.
Homework Banned: This argument falls into the Proficient Learners category. The author effectively uses personal anecdotes, statistics, and research to support their argument and demonstrates a solid understanding of the topic.
Why Zoos Shouldn’t be Banned: This argument falls into the Proficient Learners category. The author provides specific examples, supporting evidence, and successfully presents a well-rounded argument to support their viewpoint.
Students Should Be Allowed To Use Their Cellphones In Class: This argument falls into the Developing Learners category. While the author provides some examples and support for their argument, improvements in punctuation, capitalization, and organization would strengthen the overall presentation.
- None of the arguments fall into the Beginning Learners category. All the arguments demonstrate at least a partial understanding and proficiency in the subject matter.
Distinguished Learners:
- None of the arguments fall into the Distinguished Learners category. While the arguments are well-presented and provide evidence, they do not demonstrate an exceptional level of understanding and proficiency in the subject matter.