balance ionically

fe(oh)3 ---feo4^-2 please help please

1 answer

I don't understand this at all.
I balanced one yesterday that was even less understandable. It was
Fe(OH)3 ==> Fe4^2-. There is no such thing as Fe4^2- but I balanced it anyway. Likewise, I don't know of a FeO4^2-. If you want
Fe(OH)3 ==> [FeO4]^2- to balance ionically, that means elements balance, charges balance, loss/gain of electrons balance. It doesn't mean anything but I can balance it. I'll balance this in basic solution.
Fe(OH)3 + 5OH^- ==> [FeO4]^2- + 3e + 4H2O
Again, it doesn't mean anything but I can balance it in acid solution.
Fe(OH)3 + H2O ==> [FeO4]^2- + 3e + 5H^+
Surely there is a typo somewhere and probably this is not what you want but let me know. If you follow up, please clean up the question so it makes sense.