Baking powder consists of 4 ingredients – CaHPO4, NaAl(SO4)2, NaHCO3 and
cornstarch. Using the guidelines below, determine the masses of each ingredient
in a sample of baking powder using the following specifications:. (Tip: Parts i, ii
v and vi below should be VERY easy – if they aren’t, you are thinking too hard)!
i) Contains 0.250 tsp CaHPO4 (1 tsp = 7.12g)
ii) Contains twice as much NaAl(SO4)2 by mass as CaHPO4
iii) Contains enough NaHCO3 to fully react with CaHPO4
iv) Contains enough NaHCO3 to fully react with NaAl(SO4)2
v) Contains the same amount by mass of cornstarch (an inert ingredient) as the
total amount of NaHCO3
vi) Determine the total mass of your sample of baking powder. (Your baking
powder should include the CaHPO4, the NaAl(SO4)2, the total amount of
NaHCO3 and the cornstarch).
2 answers
And you know how to do what parts? Show your work and explain what you don't understand about those parts you need help with.
i don't understand how to do it