Sanele was invited to Lindiwe’s birthday party.
He would have attended anyway since she is a good friend of his. But when he saw the party
would be at her parents’ house and the instruction was to “come hungry,” he was intrigued.
So, he dutifully skipped lunch the day of the party.
As he walked up to the house, the
smell of barbecue started getting
stronger. He was still standing with
his eyes closed and a silly grin on his
face, inhaling as deeply as he could
when she opened the door.
Her melodious laugh brought him
suddenly back to reality.
After an embarrassing moment, he
remembered to wish her a happy
It turns out Lindiwe’s parents have
some excellent skills when it comes to cooking. And some secret family recipes, too, it is said.
Sanele was glad that he followed the instruction to come hungry! Chicken, beef, and a leg of lamb
were on the braai, all cooked to perfection. And don’t forget about the roasted mielies.
There was a big pot of pap with a very flavourful chakalaka sauce next to it.
There were salads, roast vegetables, and sweet potatoes. And freshly baked bread straight from
the oven. Sanele was in heaven.
Just when he thought the day couldn’t get any better, it was time for dessert. There was malva
pudding with custard and chocolate pudding with chocolate ice cream. When Lindiwe’s dad
spotted Sanele stuck choosing between the two, he casually suggested, “Why not have both?”
That day, Sanele decided he needed to learn how to cook fantastic food like that.
If a lawyer and a doctor can do this in their free time, so can he.
In this portfolio of evidence, you will develop a recipe app to start him on his journey.
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This portfolio of evidence consists of three parts–two parts submitted during the semester and a
final submission at the end of the semester.
The parts build on one another, so keep a copy of your work safe.
In the first part, you will create a command-line application that allows the user to enter and
store the ingredients and steps for one recipe. In the second part, you will extend it to support
multiple recipes and include nutritional information. In the final submission, you will change the
user interface to a more user-friendly graphical one.
The requirements of real software projects frequently change, often in quite unexpected ways.
Here, you have the benefit of knowing what all the requirements will be in advance.
So, make use of the opportunity. Reading all three parts before starting with the first one will
minimise any reworking for later parts.
The rubrics that will be used to mark your submissions appear at the end of this document.
Please pay attention to the weighting of items in the rubrics.
Note that marks will be awarded for running functional software, not just source code.
So, ensure that your source code compiles, and that the readme file contains enough information
about running the software.
Part 1 — Object-Oriented Programming (Marks: 100)
Learning Units 1 and 2
At the end of this specific part, students should be able to:
Write a console programme that requires user input.
Apply string manipulation to solve a programming problem.
Use automatic properties to solve a programming problem.
For this portfolio of evidence, you must store your source code in a GitHub repository.
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Make regular commits with descriptive commit comments. Marks will be awarded for this (5%),
but more importantly, it will help to keep your code safe.
Using C# and Visual Studio, design and implement a standalone command line application that
fulfils the following requirements:
1. The user shall be able to enter the details for a single recipe:
a. The number of ingredients.
b. For each ingredient: the name, quantity, and unit of measurement. For example, one
tablespoon of sugar.
c. The number of steps.
d. For each step: a description of what the user should do.
2. The software shall display the full recipe, including the ingredients and steps, in a neat
format to the user.
3. The user shall be able to request that the recipe is scaled by a factor of 0.5 (half), 2
(double), or 3 (triple). All the ingredient quantities shall be changed accordingly when the
recipe is displayed. For example, one tablespoon of sugar will become two tablespoons of
sugar if the factor is 2.
4. The user can request that the quantities be reset to the original values.
5. The user shall be able to clear all the data to enter a new recipe.
6. The software shall not persist the user data between runs. The data shall only be stored in
memory while the software is running.
Non-functional requirements:
1. You are required to use internationally acceptable coding standards. Include
comprehensive comments explaining variable names, methods, and the logic of
programming code.
2. You are required to use classes.
3. Store the ingredients and steps in arrays.
When you are ready to submit Part 1, create a tag called Part1 in your GitHub repository.
Tip: Make sure your lecturer has access to your repository.
Submit the following items for this part:
1. A zip file containing the complete source code, including the Visual Studio project files.
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2. A readme file containing:
a. instructions for how to compile and run the software; and
b. a link to your GitHub repository.
3. A screenshot of your GitHub repository showing the commit history up to the Part1 tag.
1 answer
1. User input for single recipe (20 points)
- Allows user to enter number of ingredients, name, quantity, and unit of measurement for each ingredient
- Allows user to enter number of steps and description for each step
2. Display full recipe (15 points)
- Displays all ingredients and steps in a neat format to the user
3. Scale recipe by factor (15 points)
- User can scale recipe by 0.5, 2, or 3
- All ingredient quantities are adjusted accordingly when recipe is displayed
4. Reset quantities (10 points)
- User can reset quantities to original values
5. Clear all data (10 points)
- User can clear all data to enter a new recipe
6. Data storage (10 points)
- Data is only stored in memory while software is running
- Does not persist data between runs
7. Coding standards and comments (10 points)
- Uses internationally acceptable coding standards
- Includes comprehensive comments explaining variable names, methods, and logic of programming code
8. Use of classes and arrays (10 points)
- Utilizes classes for organization
- Stores ingredients and steps in arrays
9. GitHub submission (5 points)
- Tag created in GitHub repository for Part 1 submission
- Screenshot of commit history up to Part 1 tag included
Total: 100 points