Background information on the records management practices in Tanzania organisations with citation

1 answer

Records management practices in Tanzania organizations are influenced by various factors including legal requirements, technological advancements, and organizational culture. The following background information provides a general overview of the records management practices in Tanzania organizations:

1. Legal Framework: The foundation of records management practices in Tanzania organizations stems from the legal framework. The Public Records and Archives Act of 2002 is the primary legislation governing the management of records in Tanzania. It establishes the legal framework for records creation, maintenance, preservation, access, and disposal in both public and private organizations. (Public Records and Archives Act, 2002)

2. Retention and Disposal: Tanzania organizations are required to adhere to records retention and disposal schedules to ensure the systematic disposal of records in accordance with legal requirements. The Public Records and Archives Management Regulations of 2003 provide guidelines for the retention and disposal of records in Tanzania organizations. (Public Records and Archives Management Regulations, 2003)

3. Recordkeeping Systems: Organizations in Tanzania utilize various recordkeeping systems based on their specific needs and resources. Traditional paper-based systems are still prevalent, especially in smaller organizations. However, a gradual shift towards electronic recordkeeping systems has been observed, allowing organizations to manage records digitally. Electronic recordkeeping systems may include document management systems, electronic records management systems (ERMS), or enterprise content management systems (ECM).

4. Records Storage: Records storage practices in Tanzania organizations vary depending on the organization's size and available resources. Some organizations maintain dedicated records storage areas within their premises, while others outsource their storage needs to specialized off-site facilities that ensure proper environmental conditions and security.

5. Access and Retrieval: Access to records is governed by the Public Records and Archives Act of 2002, which emphasizes the importance of public access to records. However, certain records may be subject to restrictions due to privacy, national security, or other legal considerations. Organizations in Tanzania strive to provide efficient and timely access to authorized personnel while safeguarding sensitive information.

It is important to note that the specific records management practices may differ across different organizations in Tanzania, depending on their size, sector, and resources available. The provided information offers a general overview and further research may be required to explore the specific practices of individual organizations.

- Public Records and Archives Act, 2002 (No. 8 of 2002). Retrieved from
- Public Records and Archives Management Regulations, 2003. Retrieved from