Australia and the Pacific Practice, Answers.

1.After the defeat of Japan in World War II.

2.Ice sheets make it hard for people to meet their needs.

3.Ozone is toxic, so its presence in the atmosphere is dangerous for the environment.

4.Most Aborigines lived a nomadic lifestyle.

5.Were divided into hundreds of ethnic groups.

6.To establish a penal colony

7.Many Aborigines died from disease.

8.Most people live on the coast of the continent.

9.Citizens have a responsibility to vote but aren't legally required to: New Zealand

Citizens are required to vote: Australia

The prime minister is the head of government: Australia and New Zealand

The monarch is a symbolic role: Australia and New Zealand

10.Mixed economies.

11.Rising sea levels

12.For scientific research on climate change

13.The Aborigine population is now a minority in Australia.

14.Practice traditional forms of art and dance.

15.They both are parliamentary monarchies.

2 answers

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