As a person over age 65, I can tell you why Wii thinking games are not appealing to me.
First, I've played Scrabble and other pencil-and-paper thinking games for years. They are easy and user-friendly. Why should I learn new technology and pay big bucks when I'm satisfied with the old games?
Two, I understand the controls aren't always easy to use. Many seniors don't have the manual dexterity or the ability to learn this dexterity very easily.
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You might take a look at some of the cell phones marketed to seniors. They have large key pads and are very easy to use. They have no extraneous features like cameras, internet, or texting capabilities. The make and receive phone calls. Period.
Audience Objections – Identify the reasons why your target(Seniors-age over 65) audiences may not be currently buying Wii games like thinking games such as puzzle scrabbles and so on? What obstacles does your plan need to overcome?
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