Attention, please show the calculations in details, comments have to be provided.
1. Calculate the source rate before and after economy coding, using the data from the task
1. Consider that the bitrate is A. Make conclusions.
2. *Calculate the maximal source rate before economy coding, using M from task 1.
Perform the economy coding with the probabilities that ensure maximal entropy. Compare this the results got in 1. Make conclusions.
If Yours M=2n , explain (better with the example) how the all above mantioned characteristics will change if M will not be M=2n.
If Yours M is not 2n , than explain, what would change if M would be M=2n.
Make conclusions.
3. For both cases – without and with economy coding – calculate channel capasity without noise for the given bitrate. Consider that the channel alphabet is equal to the source alphabet. Compare with the values obtained in the 1, make conclusions.
4. Calculate the channel capacity without noise for the binary channel. Compare with 3.
5. Calculate the channel capacity wit noise for the given error probability P. compare with
3. and 4. , make conclusions.
6. What is maximal number of the information symbols You can encode with Your forming polinomial. (calcualation, comments).
7. Perform noise resistant coding according to Your variant. Consider that the length of the data sequance will be equal to the maximally possible, calculated in 7. Data should be taken from the sequanse S, the sequance contains spare bits, take from the beggining of the sequance as more as You need.
8. Decode the combination got in point 7, considering error-less transmission.
9. Decode, considering that the error ocured in (k-1) position. Will the error be corrected? Explain.
10. *Decode, considering that two errors occured – in position (k-1) and (k-4). Will these errors be corrected, explain.
11. Calculate the redundancy of the noise resistant code. Compare with the first task, conclude.
Dinckan Alper 100 Mbit/s 1*10-5 3 3
3. 01010101 11010111
1 answer
No kidding. I had to do this already in Grad School, Information Theory. Your turn. I can't imagine anyone doing this for you.