Atmosphere layers check click check quick check

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The Earth's atmosphere is composed of several layers:

1. Troposphere: This layer is closest to the Earth's surface and contains the air we breathe. It is where weather processes occur, such as clouds, rain, and wind.

2. Stratosphere: This layer is above the troposphere and contains the ozone layer, which helps protect us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.

3. Mesosphere: This layer is above the stratosphere and is where most meteorites burn up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

4. Thermosphere: This layer is above the mesosphere and contains the ionosphere, where auroras and other atmospheric phenomena occur.

5. Exosphere: This is the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere, where the atmosphere gradually transitions into outer space.

Each layer has its own unique characteristics and plays a vital role in regulating Earth's climate and protecting life on the planet.