let the number of wings be x
cost of wings = .30x
cost of sauce = .01x for a total of .31x
(yes, you are right we can just say 1 wing costs 31 cents)
so (.31x + 7.50 + 2.50)(1.085)(1.15) ≤ 60
take it from there
( got 120 wings, assuming you are buying wings in multiples of 10 because of the sauce, otherwise you can get 122 wings)
At your local bar, chicken wings cost $0.30 a piece on Thursday night. Sriacha Ranch dressing (enough for 10 wings), cost $0.10 per serving. A pitcher of of ice tea cost $7.50 and a serving of celery cost $2.50 . Tax in your part of LA County is 8.5% and the standard tip rate is 15% . If you have three twenty dollar bills and plan to order a pitcher of iced tea , a serving of celery, and as many wings as possible ( with enough Sarot Cha ranch dressing for the wings), and still have enough for tax and tip , how many wings can you order? Show work and formula.
I can't get the formula. The tax and tip (from subtotal?) throw me off. Can you just say the wings cost $.31 each because of sriracha sauce? Please help especially with tax, tip.
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