At the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, magma rises up from the Earth's mantle through cracks in the oceanic crust. This volcanic activity pushes the North American plate and the Eurasian plate apart from each other. As the plates move, new crust is formed along the ridge, allowing magma to solidify and create new oceanic lithosphere. This process is known as seafloor spreading.
As the plates move away from the ridge, they create a gap or a rift in the ocean floor. This rift is filled with magma that solidifies and forms new crust. Over time, this continuous process of seafloor spreading causes the Atlantic Ocean to widen. The movement of the plates, coupled with the volcanic activity at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, contributes to the expansion of the ocean basin.
The creation of new oceanic crust and the widening of the Atlantic Ocean is part of the larger tectonic process known as plate tectonics. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is one of the most prominent and active spreading ridges in the world, and its activity is responsible for shaping the geography and geology of the Atlantic Ocean.
At the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, magma
Earth's crust, pushing the North American plate and the Eurasian plate
each other. Because of the movement of the plates, the Atlantic Ocean continuously becomes
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