Total cost, 4 orders of fries and 3 drinks:
Cost of 4 orders of fries = 4 * $0.93 = $3.72
Cost of 3 drinks = 3 * $1.11 = $3.33
Total cost = $3.72 + $3.33 = $7.05
Total cost, ff orders of fries and dd drinks:
Cost of ff orders of fries = ff * $0.93
Cost of dd drinks = dd * $1.11
Total cost = Cost of ff orders of fries + Cost of dd drinks
At the fast food restaurant, an order of fries costs $0.93 and a drink costs $1.11. How much would it cost to get 4 orders of fries and 3 drinks? How much would it cost to get ff orders of fries and dd drinks?
Attempt 1 out of 2
Total cost, 4 orders of fries and 3 drinks:
Total cost, ff orders of fries and dd drinks:
1 answer