31.25 - 29.375 = 1.875
1.875 / 29.375 = .0638 = 6.38%
Note: the U.S. stock exchanges switched from fractions to decimals 14 years ago.
At the beginning of the week, a particular stock sold for 29 3/8 per share. At the end of the same week it sold for 31 2/8. What was the amount of increase per share?
A. 2 3/8
B. 2 1/8
C. 1 7/8
D. 2 5/8
can someone please help me i'm not good at fractions i chose c but im not sure about it.
2 answers
Sorry -- I just reread your problem and realize you have to choose the amount (not the percent) of increase.
31 2/8 = 30 10/8
30 10/8 - 29 3/8 = 1 7/8
31 2/8 = 30 10/8
30 10/8 - 29 3/8 = 1 7/8