The animals gathered on the banks of the Surem River, representing the diversity of species and perspectives. Each animal, in turn, shared their suggestion for the name of the sun.
The wise old owl hooted, "Let us call it Helios, after the Greek sun god."
The playful dolphins leaped out of the water and suggested, "How about Sol, like the Roman sun god?"
The majestic lion roared, "We should name it Ra, after the Egyptian sun god."
The mischievous monkey chattered, "No, no! Let's call it Amaterasu, like the Japanese sun goddess."
The gentle deer spoke softly, "Perhaps it should be Surya, after the Hindu sun god."
The clever fox piped up, "Why not Apollo, after the Greek god of light and sun?"
As each animal presented their idea, the Surem listened intently, considering the merits of each suggestion. However, despite the numerous proposals, none seemed to unite the Surem in agreement.
Concerned that they would never reach a consensus, and knowing that time was of the essence, the wise leader of the Surem River, an elder turtle, spoke up. "My fellow creatures, it appears we are struggling to decide solely based on our own perspective. Perhaps we are limiting ourselves by thinking in terms of gender-specific names."
The animals pondered the elder turtle's words, realizing that their previous approach was flawed. They had been attempting to categorize the sun based on their own understanding and cultural biases.
Inspired by the turtle's insight, the animals shifted their perspective and began suggesting unisex names that represented the sun's essence. They proposed names like Lumin, meaning light, and Talia, representing the radiance of the sun's rays.
Finally, after much deliberation, the Surem came to a consensus and settled on a name for the sun – Solara. The name encompassed both the sun's eternal nature and the gentle warmth it provided to all creatures on Earth.
With their newfound unity, the Surem rejoiced, grateful for the collaborative effort that had led them to find a name for the sun. From that day forward, Solara became the universally recognized name for the sun among the Surem and all the animals of the world.
At the beginning of the era of the Surem, nobody knew the name of the sun and they wanted a name for it. For this reason they held a council on the bank of the Surem River. Everyone gave his opinion but no name was found for the sun. Every day they studied the matter. They did not know if it were man or woman and so they couldn't decide whether it would be best to give it a male or female name. The Surem could not agree. They finally invited all the animals of the world to come to a council.
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