At Sunnyside Place, as of March 31, a total of 12 residents have moved out. What is your property’s annualized turnover percentage rate?

Note: this is connected to the first Sunnyside Place apartment question, which total apartments are 100

Again, thank you for letting me pick your brain, it's just that there's no substitute for it

4 answers

3 months >> 12 moved out
12 months >> 48 moved out

48/100 = 48% per year
Hi Ms. Sue,

I'm just trying to make sure I'm understanding the steps to arrive at the answer. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I got the 3 months>>12 move out.
However, 12 months>>48 moved out, i'm not too clear.

Is this correct> 12 X 3= 36 + 12,moved out = 48. 48/100= 0.48, which you just move the decimals to read 48%.

I'm sorry for the trouble. Thank you so much!!
12/3 = 4
I multiplied 12 by 4 to find the number of movers in a year.

Yes, you're right.

No trouble. You're very welcome, Esther.
Ms. Sue,

Sorry, for the confusion. I'ts just that I have two similar problems and I got confused with both of them.

So, just to recap, Ms.Sue,

at Sunnyside Place, as of March 31, a total of 12 residents have moved out.

What is your property’s annualized turnover percentage rate?

property’s annualized turnover percentage rate? is it 48%, right?
again, sorry for the confusion. I think I transposed this answer on another one, this will help me clarify the two problems. Thanks, again.