D Store 1 by $0.74 an ounce.
To compare prices, we need to find how much each store charges per ounce.
Store 1: $26.62 ÷ 36 oz = $0.7394444 per ounce (rounded to $0.74)
Store 2: $22.42 ÷ 28 oz = $0.8007143 per ounce (rounded to $0.80)
Since Store 1 charges less per ounce, it is the better buy, and the difference is $0.80 - $0.74 = $0.06 per ounce.
At Store 1 I can buy 36 oz of baby formula for $26.62, and at Store 2 I can buy 28 oz of baby formula for $22.42. Which one is a better buy and by how much?
A Store 1 by $0.06 an ounce.
B Store 2 by $0.06 an ounce.
C Store 2 by $0.80 an ounce.
D Store 1 by $0.74 an ounce.
1 answer