at a picnic a frind asks you for advice about cooling his warm bottle of soft drink.he can submerge the bottle in a bucket of water, or wrap the bottle in a cloth and then wet it with the water from the bucket.which should he do?

i think the first option is right. but i can't explain why.or i may be wrong...
can some one please explain the reason of the choice clearly for me please? thanks

IT would depend on the bucket of water temperature. If it is ice water, the reason is that the soft drink will approach the temp of ice water. If the bucket of water is warm, then it would be stupid to put the soft drink there. Now if the water is ambient temperature, there is a choice. Cool to that temp by conduction, or try to reduce the temp by evaporation (wrapping in a towel). I doubt a wrapped towel will be effective unless a breeze was blowing to remove the water vapor.